The original hall was built in 1851 as the Mountain Rose Lodge of the Independent  Order of Odd Fellows.  After being destroyed by the fire of 1853, it was rebuilt and has become an historic landmark.  It survived the devastating fire of 1859 that consumed almost all of Rough and Ready and later became the local Hall for Grange #795.

The hall is now  the "Town Hall" center for dances, parties, receptions, meetings and community events.

A monthly community breakfast is held from 8 to 10am on the 4th Saturday of the month, with locals and visitors welcome.

PHOTO ABOVE: Grange Hall (1948)

PHOTO RIGHT: The Grange Hall today.

Rough and Ready Chamber of Commerce l  P.O. Box 801 l Rough and Ready, California 95975

The Great Republic of Rough and Ready

The Old Grange Hall



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